NC Muscadines Go Global at Asia Fruit Logistica

In November, we were excited to participate as a representative of both Union Grove Farm and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, in the ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand – Asia’s premier international trade show for fresh fruits and vegetables. Martin Crompton, Union Grove’s Vineyard and Project Director, represented us at the conference. In addition to his work at Union Grove, Martin is a board member of the NC Muscadine Growers Association and NC Wine and Grape Council.


Asia Fruit Logistica invites fruit growers, companies, and distributors across the global fresh produce value chain and features key innovative fruit products and agriculture technology. This international exhibition offered us a unique opportunity to develop new business, expand our global go-to-market, and gather essential market information on the fresh produce trade throughout the Asian region. Most importantly, we were able to introduce and reinforce the incredible nutritional value of Muscadines and present how UGF and other NC farms can supply this international market with the best muscadine table grapes grown.


It was apparent from the response we experienced at the show, and from other international growers, that the value of our Muscadine grapes crosses cultural boundaries, and we look forward to continuing this valuable connection.

Lily Wherry